During training or your own testing, you may create entries which may not be used in the future.
We strongly recommend you keep training data for any future lessons, however, it can be removed before using AroFlo with real data.
The entries deleted will include any real entries if they exist.
Due to complexity, AroFlo do not facilitate deletion of individual entries (such as specific tasks) or deletion based on certain criteria (such as a specific date range).
Request to delete data through AroFlo
You can send a written request (via support) to have the data deleted.
If you plan to start using real data on a specific date and would like all other data cleared the day before, please make a written request 5 business days prior.
- Data will be deleted for all Business Units. We cannot delete data for specific business units only
- Please be aware data will be deleted by AroFlo, not just archived.
This will include all entries as listed below, not just those specific to training or your own testing.
- All generated OHS items
- Checklists on tasks
- Notes
- All schedules
- Ad hoc and scheduled tasks
- All invoices
- All records of line items
- Invoices
- Sales invoices
- Generated periodic invoices
- All tasks
- All records of materials used on tasks
- All records of labour booked on tasks
- All task notes
- All task custom field values
- All task assets
- All task asset custom field values
- All timesheet entries
- All purchase orders
- All records of items purchased
- All quotes
- This will also make the option to create a quote from another quote's history unavailable
- All stock number records
- All inventory adjustments
- All quantities referring to purchased or used inventory
- All projects
- All stages within projects
- All RFQs
Additional Information
- After data deletion, Job number, Purchase Order number and Invoice number will be reset to start at 1000.
- There may be data or entries which wont be deleted and these are listed below
Data removed by user
The data listed below must be archived by the user (and they are not removed by the AroFlo process above).
Individual entries below have the option to be archived and some are deleted.
Refer to our help pages for each section to see the process of archiving / deleting.
- Clients and suppliers
- Assets
- Inventory (but not stock quantities)
- Layouts
- Compliance templates
- Periodics
- Users
- Task types
- Work types
- Custom fields created in site admin
- Custom priorities
- Custom substatuses