Learn how AroFlo accounts translate to Xero when posted

Updated on March 27th, 2024


Clients & Suppliers

AroFlo Xero

Clients and Suppliers

Clients and Supplier share the same data in AroFlo much like they do in other accounting packages. Whilst these images are only for Clients, they apply equally to Suppliers.




AroFlo Xero



AroFlo Xero



AroFlo Xero

Payments FROM Xero

AroFlo can import payments FROM Xero via the integration. Seven (7) days' worth of records can be retrieved from any date.




AroFlo Labour Hours Xero Labour Hours
AroFlo Overhead Xero Overhead



AroFlo Xero
There is currently no way of previewing COGs records from within AroFlo.


Credit Notes

AroFlo Xero

Credits are the same for both Client and Supplier Invoices.