Business Units

Learn what a Business Unit is used for in AroFlo Office

Updated on July 27th, 2024

If your organisation has multiple business entities, you can set up each one as a separate business unit within AroFlo to allow them to operate independently from each other.

  • Manage multiple independent offices which may be in different geographical regions and time zones
  • Set up work types, customers, staff, inventory, markups, contracts and more for each business unit
  • Transfer each business unit's financial information to your accounting package independently, i.e. to a different MYOB file or Xero login
  • Restrict access so that staff can only see the information for their own business unit.

Each business unit can be managed through independent Site Administration settings, or they can be configured to mirror existing aspects of your company structure.

Business units allow a great deal of flexibility, but they can add setup and administrative overheads which may not be suitable for everyone. Refer to Your Business Structure to determine whether or not to create multiple business units.