Risk Templates can be added to a task, but they can also be used as a standalone form:
Are you adding a form to a task?
On the task, you need to add a risk template to:
Click the Compliance Forms tab >
Create Form
Continue with the below instructions
Your form will be created as a standalone form:
Click Workflow > Compliance > Forms
Continue with the below instructions.
Find/edit template
- For the Risk Assessment row, click Risk Templates
- Use the categories and subcategories on the left to find the template you need
(Optional): Review the activities, risks, controls, and checklist items by using the
- Click Create JSA to add this risk template to your task.
To use an existing template and then add to it, click Task Templates, find the template you need, double-click it, and Import Template. Add additional activities, risks, controls, and checklists as necessary. See Create Risk Templates. Remember to Save.
- This can also be done at the Activity and Risk level if necessary.
- Double-click the name of a task template/activity/risk/control/checklist to rename it.
Again, click Create JSA to add this newly-created risk template to your task.
Create Compliance Form screen
On the Create Compliance Form screen:
- Fill out the Name / Incident / Identification field otherwise, this will have the same name as the template.
- Change the Report Date if necessary
- (optional) assign the form to a user. This can be useful for notifying management that the form has been completed.
- If this assessment relates to a particular client asset, select it from the list or create a new asset.
- Create Form.
Complete Form
- Use the top of the page to edit any form information, e.g. form name, reported date, or asset.
- Use the tabs to add any notes to this form or documents and photos.
- From the View Form section, work through each checklist item and select Pass, Fail or N/A (not applicable), and add a note if necessary. You may have linked docs and forms, if attached to the checklist item.
- Click the header of a compliance activity to expand or collapse it.
- Click an activity name to access the risks and controls
- Tap the colored risk level if you need to update it for this instance.Edit/Add activities
If you need to edit activities, click Edit Assessment and edit any necessary Activities, Risks, Controls, and Checklist Items, using the descriptions of each as a guide.
You can also add activities from here by clicking:
- Add Activity to add your own Activity, Risk, Control, and Checklist > Add Item, or
- Search Activity / Risk Templates to add existing ones > Add Activity.Edit the risk level as necessary for any of the two above methods.
Save Worksheet once complete and click Form to return to your form. Complete any newly-added checklist items.
Select whether or not you accept the necessary risks, close the form, and Save.
- (optional) if necessary, assign the form to a user before closing the form.

Create ad-hoc risk assessment
Rather than using an existing risk template, you can use one as a one-off if you need to:
Are you adding this to a task?
On the task you need to add a risk assessment to:
Click the Compliance Forms tab >
Create Form
Continue with the below instructions
Your ad-hoc risk assessment will be created as a standalone form:
Click Workflow > Compliance > Forms
Continue with the below instructions.
- For the Risk Assessment (JSA) row, click Create
- Fill out the form details as per Create Compliance Form screen, above and Create Form
- Click Edit Assessment > Add Activity and add Activities, Risks, Controls, and Checklist Items, using the descriptions of each as a guide > Add Item and repeat as necessary
- Save Worksheet once complete and click Form to return to your form.
- Work through each checklist item as per Complete Form, above and close the form.